Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shop shop shoppingg :3

Yeey, tomorrow I'm going to Rotterdam with my niece! :3 And we're going shopping plus it's
my first time going to Rotterdam, shame on me... I heard they have some great stores :]
So in my next post I'll let you guys know how it was and show you the stuff that I bought.

BTW If I don't recieve my Pixie wedges in the mail today I AM GONNA BE PISSED AS FUGG!
Plus I bought some really great tights to match with them! They have bones and shit on it ^^
But I'll show you guys that in on of my next posts. :]

Another BTW, I love this scarvee
And I forgot to post this one, It smells quite nice. But I havent used it so I actually don't
remember how it smells, heheh xD. Got that from my aunt

just a Kid from the West


  1. haha ;) yaay have fun in rotterdam ;)

  2. lookin 4ward 2 it ;)

  3. OH MY GOODNESS I HAVE THIS PERFUME! except mine's pink though? oh well!
    thank you so much for the lovely comment sweety, hope you have a great weekend and fun in rotterdam <3 <3


  4. Ben benieuwd naar t luchtje :) ga maar eens haunten!

  5. heey ;) congrats you have an award in my blog. you can claim it ;) xoxo

  6. En ben je goed geslaagd in Rotterdam? Ben benieuwd naar je aankopen ;).

    Ik weet niet wie het meisje op de foto is, heb hem van een tumblr site!
